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President Uhuru Defends Moody Awori’s Appointment To Sports Fund Board (Video)



President Uhuru Kenyatta has defended the appointment of 91 year old Moody Awori to the sports fund board.

Speaking at the KCB Foundation 2jiajiri Youth Empowerment Program, the President said that he had read the criticisms on his appointment but vowed to stand by it . He said that he prefered the old former vice president over a young person saying that Moody Awori would safeguard the money that he said was meant to benefit the youth.

He asked the critics to leave him alone as his administration had already faced a lot of corruption. He asked that the youth should help the government in showing that young people could prosper from doing legitimate business.

Read:Activists March To Parliament Over Rampant Corruption Scams (Photos)

Kenyans were angry at the appointment of the 91 year old former vice president stating that he was too old for the job that he had been given. Moody will sit of the board of the sports fund alongside five principle secretaries.

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