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President Uhuru Holds Private Meeting with DP Ruto and Sonko Over “Sabotage” Claims

President Uhuru urgently callled DP William Ruto and Nairobi Governor Mike Sonko into a secret meeting inside the heavily guarded Eastleigh military Air Base over the accusations that senior government officials led by PS Karanja Kibicho are trying to undermine the governor.

The closely guarded meeting was also attended by First Lady Margaret Kenyatta who was accompanying the President and Defence Cabinet Secretary Rachel Omamo who was the host in the military facility.

READ: Lawyer Ahmednasir Attacks Governor Sonko As PS Kibicho Is Recorded Planning To Harm Sonko

Nairobi Governor Mike Sonko has recently accused a group of powerful individuals led by Interior PS Karanja Kibicho of trying to sabotage his initiatives in the city. The PS was recently heard in a leaked audio bragging that he can finish Sonko if he wants.

Governor Sonko has told those interested in his seat to focus on the next election as he strive to deliver on his promises. He has reiterated that the saboteurs will not succeed in frustrating his efforts to make the city a better place.

At a Presidential function on Saturday, Governor Sonko accused CS Keriako Tobiko of being used to sabotage him and trying to ensure that he doesn’t speak at the function.

READ: Igathe Was Misled By My Opponents – Governor Sonko

Governor Sonko stood up and told off CS Tobiko reminding him that respect is two way and protocol must be followed even if they don’t like him. He demanded to be recognised and his officials respected as they are also Kenyans serving this country.

READ: Sonko Interrupts DP Ruto’s Speech, Demands For Respect (Video)

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