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NEMA Wants Proposed Land for Siaya Governor’s Sh45 Million Residence Changed

Siaya Governor Cornel Rasanga (Image/Courtesy).

The National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) wants the proposed land meant for construction of Siaya Governor’s residence changed.

The proposed residence was estimated to cost Sh45 million and was to be located in North Alego Ward.

According to NEMA’s Siaya County Director, William Opiyo, the site is not suitable for the project as it is swampy.

Opiyo indicated that following Environmental Impact Assessment, the areas also had a community water pan that would not be conducive for the project hence an alternative should be explored.

Read: EACC Summons 41 Siaya MCAs Over Sh8.2 Million Trip To Uganda

However, in an interview with a local radio station, Opiyo stated that the County would still be allowed to have the project at the same location on condition that they present proof that the land can sustain the construction project.

Additionally, the County Government should be able to follow due processes of involving the public through proper participation so as to be given the go-ahead.

In regards to the water pan identified in the area, the due procedure entails convincing NEMA that an alternative place for a water pan would be availed to residents so that their normal lives are not affected by the project.

Read Also: Raila Saved Me From Being Arrested For Graft – Siaya Governor Cornel Rasanga

Siaya County has been faced with different forms of controversies, including the County Boss Cornel Rasanga being probed by the Ethics and Anti Corruption Commission (EACC) over Sh1 billion pumped into road construction.

The allegations involved awarding of tenders that were termed irregular with failure to account for the money.

“It is true our officers are on the ground since Monday to establish some suspicious activities in relation to the construction of the said roads,” said Ignatius Wekesa, the Kisumu regional EACC manager.

In a different instance, Members of the County Assembly (MCAs) from the region were also summoned by the EACC over a trip to Uganda where taxpayers’ Sh8.2 million was spent.

Read Also: Siaya County Assembly Under Probe As Name Of Dead MCA Appears Among Those Listed In Jinja Trip

It was established that 41 ward representatives allegedly received Sh200,000 each as part of the facilitation for the Uganda trip.

In August 2015, during the burial of an MCA’s husband, drama ensued following a division from legislators from Siaya County.

The ones who were in support of Rasanga’s governance were accused of corruption with the opposers called for their firing.

The burial was at a standstill with some leaders storming out prematurely before it was completed.

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