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Queens Counsel Khawar Qureshi Appointed To Exclusively Handle DCJ Mwilu Case

File Photo DCJ Mwilu in court/courtesy

Queens counsel Khawar Qureshi has been appointed by the DPP to exclusively handle the case against Deputy Chief Justice Philomena Mwilu’s case.

The foreign lawyer will at as the special prosecutor in the case where the DCJ has been charged with abuse of office, failure to pay stamp tax, improperly obtaining Sh12 million from Imperial Bank, and obtaining security for a loan by false pretense.

The DPP Noordin Haji said that the move to appoint the Queens counsel will help maintain the relationship between his office and the prosecution.

The DPP has also reopened applications for prosecutors for corruption cases after only three lawyers qualified for the position.  The DPP said that the corruption  cases were mostly high profile and required great experience so that the cases are not easily interfered with.

Read:DPP Unable To Prosecute Graft Suspects, Cites Lack Of Evidence

“There are a number of cases of great public importance involving state and public officers. In order ensure transparency and independence in dealing with these cases, to build jurisprudence, to allow for pragmatic interpretation of the Constitution, and to avoid conflict between the ODPP and the Judiciary, we deem it prudent to engage private foreign counsel to deal with these matters,” it said.

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