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Raila Changes Hard Stance On MP Aisha Jumwa’s Expulsion, Says She Can Be Forgiven

Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) leader Raila Odinga has now changed the party’s hard line on the expulsion of Malindi Member of Parliament Aisha Jumwa.

Speaking on Tuesday in Kibra, Nairobi, while condoling with victims of popular Toi Market inferno, Raila said if Jumwa follows her Msambweni counterpart’s footsteps and apologizes, the party can reconsider her expulsion.

“Dori aliomba msamaha na tukakubali, Jumwa akiomba msamaha pia tutamsamehe” (We forgave Msambweni MP Suleiman Dori after he apologised. If Aisha Jumwa does the same, we will forgive her too ),” said the ODM leader.

The African Union special envoy further accused land grabbers of being behind the inferno that left many counting millions in losses.

ODM disciplinary committee had recommended the expulsion of Jumwa and Dori for openly supporting Deputy President Ruto’s 2022 ambitions, ‘contrary to the party’s act.’

The decision to expel Jumwa was adopted by the National Governing Council (NGC) as recommended by the National Executive Council (NEC).

However, NGC reconsidered the decision to kick out Dori after he wrote to the party.

Following the NGC declaration Jumwa has remained defiant to the part’s final decision.

The Malindi MP has maintained there will be no by-election despite her being expelled from the ODM party for disloyalty.

Read:DP Ruto Hits Out At ODM For Expelling MP Aisha Jumwa

She has vowed to finish her five years term as per the law.

“If rules and regulations had been followed I would probably have relinquished my seat,( Kama sheria na taratibu zingefuatwa, mimi Aisha Jumwa labda ningekua nimesema nimesalimu amri),” she recently told her constituents.

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