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Raila Cuts Short US Trip, To Return on Wednesday for Kibaki’s Burial

ODM leader Raila Odinga has cut short his United States trip to attend former President Mwai Kibaki’s funeral.

The Azimio One Kenya Alliance presidential candidate is expected back in the country on Wednesday.

His trip was supposed to run until Friday.

“Azimio la Umoja -One Kenya Coalition flag-bearer Rt Hon Raila Odinga will cut short his ongoing US trip and travel back home on Wednesday ahead of the burial of the former President Mwai Kibaki,” said Raila’s Presidential Campaign Secretariat Press Secretary Dennis Onsarigo.

He is expected to meet with various technology giants at Silicon Valley, San Francisco, with a vision to promote IT and technology relations between Kenya and the US if elected in August.

Read: Former President Mwai Kibaki is Dead

On Monday, the presidential hopeful is expected to hold meetings with key players from Corporate America.

He is accompanied by three governors, seven MPs and a host of Azimio leaders.

They include; National Assembly Minority Leader John Mbadi, MPs Richard Tongi (Nyaribari Chache), Memusi Kanchory (Kajiado Central), and Esther Passaris (Nairobi Woman Representative).

Others are Homabay Town MP Opondo Kaluma, Homabay Senator Moses Kajwang’, Kathiani MP Robert Mbui and former Kenya Ambassador to the US Elkanah Odembo.

Kibaki died on Friday at the age of 90.

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