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Kalonzo Weeps As NASA Leaders Condemn Attack On His Karen Home



Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka has said that the Raila Odinga swearing in alone was tactful and was agreed in Machakos during the launch of the peoples assembly.

He said that NASA is a legally registered legally therefore members of the coalition should not be intimidated. Raila said that the happenings were an indication that KANU is back but with a new name.

He described the Jubilee government as mad. Government has suspended the constitution. There is no need to have a government if it does not identify with constitution and that we should all go our separate ways.

Read:Raila’s Swearing In Is Not Comical, Server Results Show He Beat Uhuru – Miguna

Raila Odinga condemned the attack on Kalonzo Musyoka’s house was wrong knowing that he has a sick wife in the house. Kalonzo visibly got emotional when Raila said this.

The NASA principals have said that the statement on the way forward will be issued tomorrow and that this meeting was just an illustration that NASA is still together.

He also condemned the members of the coalition who were attacking the principals.

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