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Raila Finally Views Moi’s Body Ahead Of Funeral Service

Raila Odinga

Raila Odinga. [Courtesy]

Former Prime Minister Raila Odinga has paid last respects to Kenya’s second president Daniel Moi.

The ODM leader viewed Moi’s body that has been lying in state for the past three days.

He was accompanied by his wife, Ida Odinga and son, Raila Odinga Junior. For a brief moment, Odinga took off his hat and waved a black fly whisk twice over the deceased’s body.

Read: Raila Refutes Claims That He Looked For DP Ruto Before Handshake

The opposition leader then met the former first family led by Rongai MP Raymond Moi.

Odinga was expected to accompany President Uhuru Kenyatta on Saturday when Moi’s body was first taken to Parliament for public viewing.

It is said that the former premier traveled to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, African Union Summit dubbed “Silencing the Guns: Creating Conducive Conditions For Africa’s Development.”

The body will lie in state up to today (Monday). On Tuesday, a requiem mass will be held at Nyayo Stadium and later his body taken to his Kabarak home for final burial rites.

Read Also: Murang’a Seal FC Declines To Honour Moi With Minute Of Silence

Journalists from various media stations camping at Parliament buildings were on Sunday ordered not to take pictures of retired President Mwai Kibaki viewing the body of his late predecessor Daniel Arap Moi.

According to local media reports, the family of Kibaki requested the media not to take pictures of the retired head of state arriving at parliament, walking through the corridors of parliament and when viewing Moi’s body.

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