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Reactions as Hellen Drops Obado’s Name, Backs Raila for Presidency

Migori County politics are one of the messy ones in the Nyanza region, with Okoth Obado, the sitting governor chest-thumping against ODM Party leader Raila Odinga.

Obado who is on his final term has been on record speaking against an Odinga presidency adding that he is supporting his competitor, William Ruto. Ultimately, he is DP Ruto’s campaign coordinator in the region.

The move has ignited mixed reactions from people in Luo Nyanza, with a good number castigating him for going against his people while others applauded him for standing up for his own interests.

Notably, Okoth Obado’s wife, Hellen Odhiambo Odie is seeking an elective post in the August 9 elections. Hellen wants to be the Migori Woman Representative.

In the latest political antics, Hellen has dropped her husband’s name from her campaign posters and declared her support for Azimio-led Raila Odinga for the presidency.

Read: Kisii Medic Cliff Momanyi in Obado Murder Case Claims Life in Danger

Speaking after seeking clearance from the IEBC, Hellen said she should not be linked to her husband’s failures as she is seeking a totally different elective post.

“Mr Odinga is vying for President while I’m seeking the woman rep seat, but he has my vote. That bit I know,” she said.

She added, “Obado sought the voters’ mandate as a governor, but for me, I am seeking my votes as a woman representative and I will be campaigning as an individual. On the ballot paper, I will use Helen Adhiambo Odie as my official name.”

The move has left social media users in stitches, terming it a tomfoolery aimed to hoodwink voters. Come to think of it, the Obado family is currently embroiled in corruption scandals that are yet to be determined. The wife, husband and children have been charged with embezzling county funds.

Read Also: Probe Into Obado Graft Case Started Afresh after County Fire Destroyed Crucial Documents, EACC official Tells Court

Also, Hellen is still married to Obado who has made it his job to oppose Raila Odinga and pledge support to Ruto, his strongest competitor. This thus makes no sense to have the wife pledge support to some other presidential candidate while the husband is on another team.

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