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Reprieve as Missing Nakuru Catholic Priest Muriuki Found Alive

father Michael muriuki

Father Michael Muriuki Found Alive. [COURTESY]

A Nakuru Catholic priest who went missing on Wednesday evening after he was allegedly abducted by unknown people was found alive hours after his disappearance.

Father Michael Muriuki of the Holy Cross Parish in Nakuru City was on Thursday morning found alive with his hands and legs tied.

Police said more than Sh100,000 was withdrawn from his several accounts at different points within the town.

According to police, the vehicle was found abandoned with a running engine. The priest was recently transferred to Holy Cross Parish Nakuru from Elburgon in Molo.

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Police say they are investigating the motive and those behind the same. Nakuru East Directorate of Criminal Investigations officer George Momanyi said the cleric’s vehicle was on Thursday morning found abandoned at a petrol station near Oleken Hotel in Nakuru City by officers who were on patrol.

This was after reports of his abduction and disappearance were circulated on Thursday night.

Momanyi said investigations are ongoing. He said priest was found tied with ropes near Eveready roundabout.

“He appears tired and devastated following the ordeal.” said Momanyi.

“His vehicle which was found abandoned at a petrol station near Ole Ken Hotel, is in good condition but appeared to have been ransacked. The vehicle was recovered around lam on Thursday morning before he was also found alive. We have launched investigations into the incident to unravel circumstances surrounding the ordeal.”

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