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Drama As Roysambu Woman Refuses To Settle Sh710 Taxi Fare (Video)


There was drama on February 3 in Mirema, Roysambu constituency after a woman refused to settle her taxi bill.

The unidentified woman is dropped off by the taxi driver, alights and disappears into the apartments. Drama begins after the taxi driver demands for his dues and the security guard comes to the woman’s rescue.

The two get into a heated argument which leads to hurling of insults.

“We will fall out, and you won’t like it,” the driver tells the guard.

“I am not in love with you. So, even if we differ, I don’t care,” the guard is heard telling the now agitated taxi driver.

“I am not gay; I can never love you; you are a man,” the driver retorts.

The drama attracts a boda boda rider. The driver asks him to quickly fetch an officer from the nearby Kasarani Police Station.

The driver then quickly pulls out his phone and makes a call to a police officer.

“Please, send me one of your officers because these security guards have begun harassing me.”

The woman the re-emerges arguing that she will not settle her Sh710 bill.

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“You will pay me. I have come to understand that these security guards conspire with these women to oppress taxi people because there is no way she would be driven all the way here and you [security guard] support her, when she says she won’t settle her bill,” he says.

The driver insists that when they got to her destination, a middle aged man came out of nowhere and took her phone and bag before she could pay the bill. He insisted that the two were conniving to steal from him.

The three minute video ends with the woman saying that she will not pay the driver, even daring him to do whatever he wants.

It is not clear whether she paid the driver or not.

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