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Ruto Takes Steps to Initiate National Dialogue with the Youth

President William Ruto has taken steps to address the concerns of the youth who are unhappy with the current state of affairs.

On Saturday, Chief of Staff and Head of Public Service Felix Koskei began the process of initiating a national dialogue to examine these concerns.

Earlier in the week, Ruto announced the formation of a National Multi-Sectoral Forum (NMSF) to engage with all stakeholders and address the issues raised by the youth.

Koskei announced that all national-level umbrella organizations representing youth, civil society, religious groups, professional bodies, business community organizations, academia, student leadership, majority and minority leaders in Parliament, the Council of Governors, and other stakeholders must nominate representatives to form the National Steering Committee of the NMSF.

He noted that the NSC, consisting of 100 members, will be the apex body of the NMSF. It will be responsible for providing the framework, modalities, agenda, and timelines for a nationwide dialogue on issues raised by the youth.

These issues include employment, the nation’s tax policy, national debt burden, representation and accountability, anti-corruption measures, and any other relevant agenda items.

“Each umbrella body is requested to nominate two representatives of either gender for consideration to the NSC,” Koskei said.

“The nominations should be addressed to the Executive Office of the President, Harambee House.”

Upon the establishment of the National Steering Committee of the NMSF, Koskei noted that the President would facilitate the first meeting. The purpose of this meeting would be for the committee to independently select the leadership of the forum.

“Subsequently, the forum will carry out its activities independently across the 47 counties through a participatory, citizen-centric and inclusive process from the ward level,” he added.

“Every Kenyan and all stakeholders will have an opportunity to present their proposals on the agenda items in person, remotely, individually or as groups.”

He noted that the NSC will also establish a framework and mechanism for engaging with political leaders in a bipartisan manner.

“As time is of the essence, the nominations are expected to be received by the Executive Office of the President on or before July 7, 2024.”

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