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Ruto’s Men Want Livondo Behind Bars Over Uhuru ‘Assassination’ Attempt Remarks

Former Lang’ata Member of Parliament aspirant Stanley Livondo has sparked fury from a section of Kenyans over remarks on an alleged attempt on President Uhuru Kenyatta’s life.

Livondo, while speaking at Thika Stadium on Saturday, claimed that a senior government official had attempted to bring down an aircraft carrying the Head of State twice.

In the first attempt, the politician sensationally claimed that the friend turned foe planned to eliminate the President while traveling to Nairobi from Kisumu.

The flamboyant politician claimed that in the second attempt the President was headed to the US through Dubai.

President Kenyatta, Livondo said, had to make a U-turn after his security detail received intelligence reports about the plot.

Read Also: Stanley Livondo Files Petition To Block DP Ruto From Vying For Presidency

“If your friend who is so close to you like a brother attempts to crash a plane that you are on board more than twice, will you forgive him? In the first instance, President Uhuru was flying from Kisumu to Nairobi while on the second attempt he was headed to the United States through Dubai. The plane was forced to divert to Kenya because of the botched attempt to crash his plane,” Livondo said during the homecoming and thanksgiving event for Gatundu South MP Moses Kuria.

“They wanted to bring him down and we are just laughing.”

The comments didn’t sit well with Deputy President William Ruto’s allies who are now calling on the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) and the National Cohesion and Integration Commission (NCIC) to summon Livondo over the utterances.

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Kericho Senator Aaron Cheruiyot, however, indicated that Livondo will walk free because of his political alignment.

“Of course @DCI_Kenya and @NCIC_Kenya will first have to await instructions from the owners of the Livondo drunken stupor narrative before making a decision to summon him or not. Not that it matters. The Hustler Nation long made peace with a desperate system on it’s final days,” the legislator tweeted.

On his part, Ruto’s digital strategist Dennis Itumbi said: “Alaar! @DCI_Kenya why are you silent? Livondo just claimed on Live TV that there was a plot to ASSASSINATE the President, To please, La Mada PS @Karanjakibicho , you ARRESTED me for saying the TRUTH on a plot to KILL DP @WilliamsRuto , or you do NOT care about the PRESIDENT?” he posed.

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