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Safaricom Sustained Over 1.2 Million Jobs, Contributed Sh909 Billion to Kenyan Economy – Report

safaricom sustained 1.2 million jobs contributed Sh909 billion

Safaricom CEO Peter Ndegwa. [COURTESY]

Kenya’s largest telecommunications company Safaricom sustained over 1.2 million jobs (236,674 direct and 1,159,309 indirect) and contributed Sh909.5 billion into the Kenyan economy in the past financial year.

According to the telco’s 12th Sustainable Business Report, the Sh909.5 billion added to the Kenyan economy was approximately 15 times greater than the financial profit made during the year.

This, the giant telco attributed to the value created for customers, agents, and merchants through M-PESA (17 percent increase from 2022), as well as the growth in economic impact created through Safaricom’s capital and operational expenditures during the period under review, shows the report titled ‘Pathway to a Purpose-Led Technology Company.’

Read: Safaricom Increases M-Pesa Transaction Limit to Sh250,000

“Sustainability reporting is not just a corporate responsibility but an essential pillar of our business strategy. Being accountable on Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) ensures that we remain committed to our core–Transforming Lives,” said Safaricom CEO Peter Ndegwa.

The company is currently setting up ESG structures and policies in the Ethiopia business and will in the next report, highlight Safaricom Group’s sustainability efforts and milestones.

Adil Khawaja, Chairperson of the Safaricom Board said: “We are proud to be a catalyst for positive change in Kenya, Ethiopia, and the rest of the world. We will continue to innovate, adapt, and work diligently to ensure that Safaricom continues to connect millions to financial services, empowering communities and driving economic growth.”

Read Also: Safaricom Ethiopia Launches M-Pesa Services

Since 2012, Safaricom has been documenting its sustainability journey as part of the business’ commitment to being accountable by sharing their successes, challenges, and constraints in a public, transparent, and open manner.

To ensure credibility of the sustainability report, Safaricom engages reputable third-party auditors to verify the data independently. This verification process provides an unbiased assessment of the business performance.

To further support its ESG ambition, Safaricom recently secured a Sh15 billion Sustainability Linked loan (SLL) with a consortium of banks including Standard Charted Bank, Kenya Commercial Bank (KCB), Stanbic Bank and Absa Bank which will finance key areas of net zero carbon emissions, tracking gender diversity and establishing social equality.

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