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Sang Suspends 4 County Officials Over Patient’s Death at Kapsabet Hospital

Nandi Governor Stephen Sang has suspended health department officials over the death of a patient at Kapsabet County Referral Hospital.

Sang sent home four top health department officers to pave way for investigations into the death.

The county boss on Friday suspended Health CEC Ruth Koech, chief officer for health Fredrick Kiptum, Director of medical services David Bungei and medical superintendent at the Kapsabet county referral hospital Dr Aiyabei Ismail.

Also sent packing were on duty outpatient nurse clinical officers and laboratory officers.

Sang explained that the deceased had sought treatment at the aforementioned hospital on May 19 but was mishandled by the caregivers.

The departed was then transferred to Moi Referral Hospital where she succumbed.

“The veracity of the allegations including the quality of treatment given to the deceased has been raised,” said the county boss.

The Governor also appointed a committee chaired by Daniel Chepsiror of Moi Referral to probe the matter.

The committee which will table its findings within 14 days has been tasked with establishing the role played and gaps attributed to the leadership and staff of the Kapsabet county referral hospital.

Governor Sang also appointed four officers on an interim basis to hold the forte as the probe continues.

They are; Dr Phillemon Buret (CEC health), Carolyne Lagat (chief officer for health), Dr Richard Chepkwony (Director of medical services) and Dr Emmanuel Ruto to act as medical superintendent at Kapsabet referral hospital.

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