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Saudi Arabia Sets New Conditions For Kenyan Meat Exporters

Kenyan meat exporters will have to comply with new regulations set by Saudi Arabian government to continue exporting meat to the country.

In a statement, the Saudia government said that any export that does not comply with the new regulations will not be accepted in the market.

“Notice is hereby issued that in order to comply with the requirements of technical regulations of the Saudi Food and Drug Authority (SFDA) No. (SFDA.FD 996:20) related to chilled and frozen livestock meat, the SFDA require all exporters of refrigerated slaughtered animals and their unpacked parts to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to comply with the said regulations,” said the Saudia government in a statement.

According to the regulations, chilled and frozen livestock meat should be properly wrapped in suitable packaging material to facilitate the release of consignment of unpacked slaughtered animals and its unpacked cuts from Kenya to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Kenyan meat is currently being marketed in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) by Global Foods and Blue Mountain, with Dubai as the distribution point.

Saudi Arabia is one of the biggest markets for Kenyan meat, with the most popular being goat meat, lamb, and mutton.

The Kenya Trade Network Agency (KenTrade), a state agency mandated to facilitate cross-border trade, requires that every meat shipment must also be accompanied by a health certificate from Veterinary Services and a Certificate of Origin from the Kenya Revenue Authority, Customs Department or Kenya Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

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