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Sauti Sol’s Bien Complains After Alleged Frustration by German Embassy Officials

Bien-Aime Baraza of boy band, Sauti Sol, has blasted the German embassy in Kenya for allegedly mistreating the band during a recent visit.

Bien recounted the incident while apologizing for the band’s tardiness in arriving at the Baraza Media Lab for the launch of the Shahara platform.

According to the hitmaker, they were derailed at the embassy and their time was wasted unnecessarily, resulting in their late arrival.

He claimed that the group went to the embassy to get VISAs for their impending European tour, but were instead bombarded with procedures that could only be defined as insulting.

Read: Sauti Sol, Nikita Kering’ Among Most Streamed Artists on Spotify

“I, first of all, want to apologize for not being here on time. It is very unlike Sauti Sol to not be on time. We have had a career that’s so long, I don’t think you get this far if you don’t have respect for time. But I think I need to explain where we were, and what was happening where we were,” he said.

“We were down the road at the German embassy collecting our Visas for our upcoming European tour, and what was a 5-minute process became a 3-hour process. That is the most undignifying way, and disrespectful way, to treat an African content creator who is at the top of their game in their country.”

Later, the musician took to social media to extend his outrage to all Western embassies in Africa, urging them to treat individuals they are tasked to serve with respect and dignity.

“Western embassies must treat African Visa applicants with dignity. We are not going to beg. We will be taxed. Our time is valuable. Africans working in these spaces must be careful not to perpetuate neo-colonialism in the line of duty. It’s disgusting,” wrote Bien.

Sauti Sol will embark on a European tour from April 1 to June 26 that will take them to cities across the continent, including Spain, Belgium, France, the United Kingdom, Germany, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Portugal, and the Netherlands.

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