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School Girl Lights Internet With Live Link For TV47 From Kibra

The girl reporting live. [PHOTO/ COURTESY]

During any major event, media houses line up their most experienced reporters, and sometimes editors take up the task to ensure the best quality coverage.

The case was no different in the Kibra by-election, with leading media houses such as Citizen TV, NTV, KTN and K24 having their editors and best reporters on ground for live reporting.

Before going to the field for live coverage, a lot of meetings happen in the background to prepare all the crew involved in the event.

Read: Kibra By-election Face-off Live Blog: All Briefs In Race To Succeed Ken Okoth

However, the case was different for TV47, one of the youngest TV stations in Kenya, which lined up the youngest reporter in Kibra by-election to do a task believed to be a preserve for the big boys.

Against all odds, the girl who reported live on TV from the DC Polling station showed impeccable courage, a rare occurrence on first timers.

The girl gave a brief on the candidates contesting for the seat that was left cacant by the late Ken Okoth, who passed on this year.

Read: Former Kakamega Senator Boni Khalwale Chased Away From Kibra’s Laini Saba Area (Video)

Hujambo mtazamaji na natumai usalama salmini, nakukaribisha hapa TV47 katika kituo cha DC. Ningetaka kukumbusha kuwa kiti hiki kiliwachwa wazi wakati marehemu mbunge Ken Okoth aliaga dunia kwa ugonjwa wa saratani. (Greetings viewers and I welcome you to TV47 reporting live from DC polling station. Just a reminder that this seat was left vacant following the death of Ken Okoth)”, she started.

The student is reported to be among 11 students the station is said to be mentoring to become top-notch journalists in the country.

“I was introduced to the kids by Job Bitange a cameraman working with a local TV station and I couldn’t resist the urge to want to contribute to the achievement of their aspirations to become household names in media. We gave them a platform on TV47 to do what they love best; telling the stories of their hood, Kibra,” said Eugene Anangwe, the CEO at TV47, as quoted by a local blog.

Here’s the video:

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