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Senator Mutula Kilonzo Blasts KQ For Suspending Staff Who Filmed Video Of Chinese Landing At JKIA

Mutula Kilonzo Jnr

Mutula Kilonzo Jnr /courtesy

Makueni Senator, Mutula Kilonzo junior has criticized the Kenya Airways (KQ) for suspending the staff who filmed a video of 239 Chinese Nationals landing at the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport.

Taking to his twitter, Mutula explained that the employee who filmed the video deserved a raise and a promotion instead of a suspension.

For instance, he stated that the boss should be fired and pledged to take to the courts to have the case reversed as public interest was more important than management interests.

“Under Art 232, this patriot should be promoted and his boss fired. This order will be reversed by any Court. Public interest is more important than management interests,” reads the tweet.

Read: KQ Staff Who Shared Video Of Chinese Flight Landing At JKIA Suspended

This follows a letter that circulated on social media, with the airport’s Chief of Human Resource, Evelyne Munyoki, suspending the staff with immediate effect on the grounds that investigations needed to be launched into the matter, and the staff directed to present himself to the Investigating team.

“Following a report of video of China Southern flights arrival at JKIA and circulation of the video clip widely on social media and your alleged involvement in the matter, it has been decided that you be suspended from duty with effect from Feb 27,” it reads.

Read Also: 239 Passengers Who Arrived On Wednesday Aboard Chinese Flight To Be Quarantined At KDF Facility

The staff is said to have captured the video where China Southern Airlines flight had landed in Kenya from Guangzhou with 239 Chinese nationals on board and little precautionary measures taken to prevent the Coronavirus scare.

Instead of proper measures to be taken by the state to prevent the virus from getting into the Country, the 239 Chinese Nationals were advised to self-quarantine themselves for a period of 14 days, a move that would plunge the whole country into a disaster.

Additionally, the State through the Foreign Affairs CS Raychelle Omamo defended the landing of the airline indicating that the flight had been subjected to screening before being allowed into the Country

“The flight that touched down in the country yesterday, was subjected to WHO requirements before it was allowed in Kenya. All the passengers were asked to self-quarantine. It is quite difficult to respond to certain questions. Given some of the passengers were wearing face masks, I wouldn’t be able to tell if they were from India, China, Elgeyo-Marakwet or Kisumu,” she responded.

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