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Sharon Otieno’s Lawyer Barred From Representing Family In Murder Case

Obado, sharon otieno lawyer


High Court has barred professor George Wajakoya from representing the family of slain Rongo University Student Sharon Otieno in trial murder case.

According to a ruling by Justice Ngenye Macharia, Wajakoya had privy knowledge of the case that would interfere with Migori Governor Okoth Obado being accorded a fair trial.

The victim’s family however has been given the liberty to engage other lawyers that would aid in the quest for justice.

This follows an application filed by Migori Governor asking that the lawyer be disqualified from the case on grounds that he had been given important information regarding the case.

Read: Relief For Governor Obado As Court Allows Him Access To Slain Sharon Otieno’s Backyard

According to the embattled governor, Wajakoya had visited him a few days after his arrest at Gigiri Police Station and sought some information regarding the murder case which he might use against him.

“I also reasonably believe that the advocate’s representation of the victims is aimed at advancing a certain mischief against me since there is a glaring conflict of interest on his part,” he said in his application.

Following the preview, Obado narrated that he had instructed the lawyer, Wajakoya to represent him and things took a new twist after his name went missing in the list of lawyers that took over his case.

He thus introduced himself as victims’ lawyer during the commencement of the trial, a move the governor says was done in ill faith.

Read Also: Sharon Otieno’s Mother Files Application To Stop Governor Obado’s Bail

“The advocate took serious issue with the omission of his name from the quorum and informed me as much. In the subsequent court appearance, he came to court and introduced himself as the advocate for the victims. He continues to be on record for the victims to date,” reads affidavit filed by Obado in court.

In his defense, Wajakoya through lawyer Duncan Okatch, stated that Obado’s aim is to re-victimize the victims and throw them into a sorrow state to scamper the case.

He has insisted that his services to the family were on pro bono basis and the family being comfortable with his representation is what matters.

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