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I Should Not Be Punished For My Father’s Sins – Susan Kihika

Nakuru Senator Susan Kihika. /Courtesy

Nakuru Senator who is the immediate former Majority Whip for Senate Susan Kihika has told off Kenyans judging her on account of her father’s wrongdoings.

In a tweet, Kihika says that her father, Kihika Kimani was a politician who served as an MP during Moi’s era, and was accused of thriving by fueling tribal formations.

Susan was responding to a tweep, who brought up the issue of her father.

“Dear,  @susankihika – You should be the last person to talk about tribal cocoons. Your father was a polarizing hatemonger who made his name through the GEMA tribal grouping; formed to amass illgotten wealth and stifle political dissent. Don’t mistake our silence for amnesia,” wrote Gabriel Oguda.

In response, Susan Kihika said, “Dear @gabrieloguda I refer you to: Deuteronomy 24:16 Parents are not to be put to death for their children, nor children put to death for their parents; each will die for their own sin. Your obsession with what my father may have done or not in regards to my posts is misplaced!”

Kihika had castigated COTU secretary General Francis Atwoli for holding a meeting with over 40 political leaders from the Luhya community, terming it as a tribal cocoon.

Read: This Is My Problem With DP Ruto – COTU Boss Atwoli

“Appears we are now retreating into tribal cocoons! Thought we were really uniting the country? The lies we tell! And btw do the Luhyas only birth men?” she tweeted

In a meeting held on Friday at Atwoli’s home, Kakamega County Governor Wycliffe Ambetsa Oparanya, Devolution Cabinet Secretary Eugene Wamalwa, and COTU Secretary General Francis Atwoli, were proposed to take over as Luhya spokesmen..

“These leaders will be negotiating with the National Government for Development and other communities, in forming a new and transformative Kenya that is all-inclusive,” said the new ODM Deputy minority leader Dr Eseli Simiyu.

Kakamega Senator Cleopas Malala and his counterpart from the National Assembly, Navakholo MP, Emmanuel Wangwe will also lobby for the community’s positions in the parliamentary re-alignments.

“We want the president to consider the region in the ministerial appointments and other state jobs as they may occur,” said Malala.

The Amani National Congress leader Musalia Mudavadi and Bungoma Senator however skipped the meeting, but Atwoli said they were ‘together’.

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