Google – It’s April Fool’s day and Google has pranked its users yet again. to day had a small link in its homepage under the search box that reads “New! Gmail Motion: Turn your email into a true body of work.” The link then took us also to the supposed blog post introducing the new product, Gmail Motion, that Google says offers users “a new way to communicate.” Google even went ahead and told us how typing is so last century.
Google Docs Motion – Googlee also presented what it called Google Docs Motion which “will let you use your body to control Google Docs and will launch with a number of key features.”
Google Search – Try Googling“comic sans,” and “Helvetica,” and you’ll see a page of search results that appear entirely in the respect fonts. Now try googling Arial and Times New Roman and lets see if you get the same feel.
Youtube – YouTube roundup of viral videos from 1911 was all we got for the prank today. You know that YouTube was not there more than a few years ago. So we cant even imagine YouTube in 1911.
HuffingtonPost – The now AOL owned property was today out to mock The New York Times’ decision to start charging its most loyal visitors for articles. The Huffington Post today announced a paywall of its own which will only target the employees of NYT.
Guardian Royal Wedding Live Blog – It is just a month before the Royal wedding and The Guardian on Friday unveiled a “live blog” to updates on what will be happening including the security arrangements and the over 600 correspondents which CNN will be sending over. CNN cant send that many of the scribes. It was all but a prank.
Angry Nerds – Software maker Atlassian was mocking the Rovio’s popular mobile game “Angry Birds” with this tablet-based competitor which is more interesting and is all for the Nerds
LinkedIn – This professional linking service was up with impossible connections. The social site was giving you the chance to professionally connect with the dead but very famous people like Hemmingway, Albert Einstein and others.
Toshiba’s 3D Spectacle – Toshiba was today introducing to us Spectacle, “the world’s first 3D monacle,” according to their website.
Groupon Patent – This deal making website announced that it had patented April Fools Day. The deal making site also did make put out a decoy and announced a second prank where they launched a new deal site dedicated to hipsters.
Kodak announced that it is offering you the chance to get a permanent photo tattoo.
Playmobil and ThinkGeek was out today to give you or your kids or both a toy just for you. That is where you got the Playmobil Apple Store!