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Sonko In A Heated Exchange With A Journalist During Presser (Video)


Mike Sonko during the presser. / MIKE SONKO FACEBOOK

Senator Mike Sonko with his running mate, Polycarp Igathe

Mike Sonko was involved in a heated exchange with a journalist during a presser at the Nairobi Safari Club hotel.

Sonko was in the company of his running mate, Polycarp Igathe where the duo tried explaining their manifesto to the fourth estate members.

The very vocal legislator took issue with a journalist who asked him about garbage collection and disposal in Nairobi.

The Nairobi Senator was apparently not pleased with how the journalist framed the question.

“You have also been accused of other things, and it scares me…and you intimidate me in front of your fans, that scares me,” the journalist told the senator.

The very vocal senator lost his cool and told the journalist that he wouldn’t kill him stating that Governor Evans Kidero was the murderer.

“All the journalists are my friends, mimi sina uadui na majournalists, your friend (Kidero) ndo he is a murderer, yeye ndo anaua watu, mimi siui watu. So uliza swali yako pole pole bila hasira, ukiuliza na hasira naweza kosa kuijibu,” Sonko told the journalist.

Watch the exchange here:

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