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Senate Speaker Ken Lusaka Rewards AFC Leopards With Ksh 500,000 Following Their Good Form

Senate Speaker Ken Makelo Lusaka dished out Ksh 500,00 to AFC Leopards to help them prepare for their next league games.

Lusaka hosted the team for a luncheon on Monday following their recent fine form in the league which has seen them beat Posta Rangers and Bandari FC.

He also donated Ksh100, 000 to the players and another Ksh100, 000 to the legends.

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Lusaka, who is a staunch supporter of Ingwe, further gave Ksh50, 000 to the officials and the technical bench.

The Ingwe legends present included Muhamud ‘Kenya One’ Abbas, Josphat ‘Controller’ Murila, Peter Lichungu, Mike Amwayi, John Shoto Lukoye, John ‘Paka’ Busolo, Maurice Sunguti, Dr. Dan Shikanda, Dr. Maurice Khayota Charles Okwemba, Anthony Kimani among others. The Speaker thanked them for supporting the younger generation of Ingwe.

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