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Special Squad Joins Hunt for Thugs Who Killed Cop, Snatched Rifles in Siaya

The hunt for suspected thugs who killed a police officer injured another one before robbing them of their rifles has been extended to the Kenya-Uganda border.

A special squad from Nairobi was sent to the area to join the team and get the gang and guns they stole. The two guns- An AK47 rifle and an MP5 both had 30 bullets.

Police say they are yet to know the motive and those behind the incident.

The hunt was extended to the border after the three men believed to have been behind the incident in Siaya were spotted in a village in neighboring Busia County.

The men escaped later on and abandoned an Arafat shawl they had, police said. It is the same piece of cloth they had when the staged the attack on Monday morning in Siaya.

The three had taken shelter from rains at an abandoned house in Ruambwa Sub-Location, Busia when the owner spotted them.

Witnesses told police the three were in gumboots- two black and one had white one.

The strangers were found relaxed while warming themselves with a jiko which they had lit in the house and informed the owner they were sheltering from the rains and that they were hawkers in the area popularly known as Malimali businessmen.

According to police, the owner of the house demanded to see what the trio was carrying in a sack and some small bag which they had but they refused and stopped him from reaching near them.

He tried to call the area assistant chief but the men snatched his phone.

He told police he managed to grab an AK-47 rifle which had protruded from the sack and struggled for sometime as he was being hit on the back by the other two until they produced another gun black in colour allegedly shorter than AK-47 one.

Another neighbor who was with the owner of the house said he ran away on seeing the struggle.

He raised alarm prompting the men to run away from the scene in the 5 pm incident.

The trio then made their way towards Wanga hills leaving behind an Arafat scarf red-white checked, a maroon T-shirt and a note titled ” Naam Assalam Walaikum Ikhwan Fi LLAH”, police said.

Top security officers from Bunyala visited the scene as part of the probe.

The area was cordoned off in search of the said firearms which are strongly believed to have been robbed in the incident from the neighboring county of Siaya where one officer was fatally injured and another seriously injured.

The gang grabbed the two weapons- an AK47 with 30 bullets and an MP5 with 30 bullets and escaped on foot, police said.

One of the attackers wore an Arafat shawl while the other had a facemask on him.

They stabbed constable Edwin Erocho in the neck, face and chest killing him while his female colleague managed to escape into a bush but after being robbed of her rifle.

The incident happened on Monday November 20 morning as Erocho who died on the spot and his colleague were escorting examination papers, police said.

The colleague of the deceased was injured and is admitted in hospital in stable condition, police said.

They were escorting the papers to Mahero secondary school when they were attacked from behind.

The victim died on the spot following injuries in the chest, neck and face.

Two knives and a black dust coat were recovered at the scene of the murder, police said.

Police say they are yet to know the motive and those behind the incident.

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