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Stand-off at JKIA as Family of Kenyan Woman Allegedly Killed in Saudi Arabia Declines To Accept Body

The family of a 21-year-old woman who died in Saudi Arabia last year claims she was tortured.

Beatrice Waruguru’s remains arrived on Wednesday, months after her demise. The family alleged the deceased had injuries hence their hesitation to sign documents at the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA) leading to a five hour stand-off.

They did, however, accept Waruguru’s remains at around 6pm after which they were taken to Kenyatta University Funeral Home along Thika Road.

Addressing the media at JKIA, the deceased’s mother Mercy Wanjiru, said her daughter died a painful death, marks on her body indicate.

Read: Please Help me – Mother of Kenyan Domestic Worker in Saudi Arabia Recalls Last Call

“The head is disfigured with eyes seeming to have been gouged out. Her neck has a deep cuts and stitches. Maybe they slit her throat,” said Ms Wanjiru.

“Some flesh behind her legs is missing maybe because she died a long time ago and some body parts were interfered with.”

The family identified Waruguru by her dreadlocks, her mother remarked.

The bereaved mother wished President Uhuru Kenyatta could see her daughter and help put an end to the problems experienced by Kenyans in the Arabian country.

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“It is very painful for any parent and I appeal to those willing to come and view the body and see how our children are suffering in Saudi Arabia yet the government is silent,” she said. “I wish President Uhuru could have time to see this,” she said.

While the family believes Waruguru was murdered, an autopsy report from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia says that the deceased committed suicide in May 2021.

But according to a relative identified as James Mathenge, Waruguru had been calling him claiming she was being tortured.

That was the last time she spoke to her family.

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“The last conversation was in May 2021,” Mathenge said.

Association of Skilled Migrant Agencies of Kenya (ASMAK) has assured the family that the matter will be handled by the government.

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