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Senator Susan Kihika Makes Good On Threat To Move Operations To Jubilee Party HQs After DP Ruto Was Banned From Precincts

Nakuru senator Susan Kihika is currently at the Jubilee Party headquarters in Pangani.

The fiery lawmaker who is a Deputy President William Ruto loyalist on Friday said she will starting Monday next week move her operations to the headquarters.

She was speaking at Ambassador Paul Tergat’s mother’s burial after learning about secretary general Raphael Tuju’s recommendation to the National Executive Committee (NEC) to remove Ruto as the deputy party leader.

Kihika said Tuju was just an Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) sympathiser who should refrain from attacking the DP.

In a tweet, Kihika who is likely to run for the Nakuru governor post attacked Tuju saying he is a “thankless idiot” enjoying the perks that come with being a party official.

“Could the accident Tuju had have given him a concussion, damaged his cognitive abilities and we are bashing a sick man? IF NOT then he is just a thankless idiot enjoying the perks of Jubilee courtesy of DP’s hardwork & our monthly contributions & has the nerve to p*** on us,” she wrote on Twitter.

An hour ago, the lawyer walked into the party headquarters despite Tuju’s notice to keep those allied to the DP out of the precincts.


In his statement, Tuju said that the DP will be barred from holding his “hustler movement” meetings at the party offices for disrespecting President Uhuru Kenyatta who is in France for official functions.

“It’s no longer tenable for the Deputy President to use the party platform including statements from the party headquarters to advance his divisive so-called hustler politics that are counter to the party and the president’s platform of uniting the county, fighting against corruption and the Agenda Four items,” said Tuju.

“He will no longer be allowed to use the party headquarters to make such statements that are principally for his breakaway faction of the party. It’s not worth that the party constitution has not given the deputy president or the deputy party leader any specific role of organising party grassroots elections.

“…NMC has recommended to the NEC that the DP ceases to be Deputy Party Leader after he opened the so-called Jubilee Asili offices that is reserved for him and his allies until such a time that this development of Jubilee Audi is discussed at the NEC.”

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