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Suspect in Quiver Lounge Shooting Dickson Mararo to Face Murder Charges After Victim Died

Suspect in the Quiver Lounge shooting incident is set to face murder charges after one of the victims succumbed on Tuesday.

DCI detective Festus Musyoka who sustained a gunshot wound to the neck died yesterday at the Nairobi Hospital, four months after the incident.

Dickson Mararo, a licensed firearm holder, is said to have shot the deceased, Lawrence Muturi of Kasarani Police Station and a waitress Felistas Nzisa.

Read: DCI Detective Shot at Quiver Lounge in July Succumbs to Injuries

Mararo who was released on a Sh5 million cash bail or Sh10 million bond in August is still in custody after he failed to raise the money.

In October, he applied to have the court review the bond terms so that he could leave prison.

The suspect has denied three counts of attempted murder charges.

Read Also: Quiver Lounge Shooting Suspect Dickson Mararo Released on Sh5 Million Bail

The prosecution is now seeking to upgrade the charges to murder following Musyoka’s passing.

As of Tuesday, plans were being made to transfer Musyoka’s remains to Montezuma Monalisa Funeral Home, Machakos.

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