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Teenager who Attempted to Sell Bhang to OCS Jailed for Three Years

A 15 year old boy who attempted to sell bhang to an OCS in Murang’a has been jailed for three years.

Appearing before Chief Resident magistrate Shivai Agade, the boy pleaded guilty to peddling drugs, and shifted the blame to his parents who he said were pampering him.

“I would have reformed long time ago had they not been paying bails and bonds for me when arrested.” The minor said.

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He explained that he joined backstreet gangs dealing in narcotics and illicit brew after dripping out if school in class six.

Since then, he had been arrested several times for cases ranging from defilement to violent attacks, but the parents kept bailing him out on account of his age.

The minor fell into a trap on Christmas day after Maragua OCS Cleophas Mangut who was working undercover, approached him and asked for 10 rolls of bhang worth Sh500.

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The boy retrieved the contraband from his gumboots upon which he was handcuffed and locked up at the police station.

The magistrate recommended rehabilitative justice for the boy and sentenced him to three years in prison at the Shimo la Tewa Juvenile prison.

“It is for his own good that he be taken care of in a specialised corrective institution. The government has enough of such institutions and good care that include rehabilitation, counselling and mentoring should be employed to salvage his mindset from self-hate and crime,” she said.

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