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Telegram Unveils New Voice Chat Features in Latest Update

Telegram has unveiled a number of voice chat features for channels in its latest update. The feature will support an unlimited number of participants in the channel allowing millions of users to tune in and listen to the voice call host.

“It’s like public radio reinvented for the 21st century.” Telegram says in its blog.

The update also brings recordable voice chats, rich lists of participants, raise hand mechanics, invite links for speakers and listeners, voice chat titles, and a way for public figures to join voice chats as their channels.

Read: Telegram Launches Video Calls on Android and iOS

Admins will be able to record audio from their voice chats and broadcast them to followers who missed the live event. The audio files will then be stored in the saved messages. For secure recording, users will see a red light next to the title when recording.

Participants will now have their bio links visible, allowing them to list their best attributes. The raise hand function works well for chats that have the participants muted. The listeners can tap to raise their hands and admins can select any of the raised hands to ask a question. Your bio can help admins know when to slot you in.

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Admins of public groups and channels can now create invite links that admit participants to the voice chat right away. Separate links can be created for speakers and listeners. This way, users do not have to customize mute and unmute functions for important guests when they join. Admins can also use a different link to promote planned voice chat events to their communities.

Voice chats also have optional titles which help users see the topic of conversation before they join.

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