Telegram has rolled out a number of updates including easy-to-make video stickers, compact animations, and extra emoji for better reactions and enhanced navigation between chats. Users will also be able to review unseen reactions.
Users who do not have any experience creating animated stickers using programs such as Adobe Illustrator can now have it easy on the latest version of Telegram. They will be able to import regular videos as stickers from other apps using any video-editing software.
The company has made it easier to react to messages in version 8.5. By pressing and holding on a reaction in the menu, users can react with the larger effect of the previous edition.
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Furthermore, on both ends of a chat, reaction animations are now synced, so the recipients will see the same animations at the same time. Finally, when someone responds to one of your messages, a badge shows both inside and outside the conversation.
Telegram has now added extra emoji including these five- which are also available as interactive emoji, meaning users can send them as larger, animated versions.
Additional features in the new update include improved quality of calls, easy navigation through chats, and the ability to send silent messages through the share menu. The new update is already available for all users on Android and iOS.
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