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Tensions High in Kibra After Military Ambulance Runs Over Woman

Residents of 42 Kianda area within Kibra were an agitated lot after a military ambulance ran over a local on Monday morning.

The 70-year-old woman who remains unnamed was reportedly on her way to a butchery when the speeding ambulance run her over.

Eyewitnesses said the ambulance was trying to overtake a lorry when it hit the woman, killing her on the spot.

Read: Three Dead, 10 Injured in Early Morning Kiambu Accident

Gideon Ombongi, the deputy commissioner of Kibra subcounty, confirmed the occurrence, saying that police and additional military officers had been dispatched to the location to calm the situation.

The armed military soldiers resisted the enraged locals who attempted to torch the ambulance.

Mr Ombongi added that inquiries into the incident have commenced, but advised residents to remain calm.

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