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Three Terror Convicts Who Escaped From Kamiti Prison Arrested in Kitui

Three terror convicts, who escaped from Kamiti Maximum Security Prison on Monday, have been arrested.

Kahawa Tungu has established that the prisoners, Musharaf Abdalla alias Alex Shikanda aged 34, Joseph Juma Odhiambo, 30, and Mohammed Ali Abikar, 35, were arrested in Kitui on Thursday.

The jailbirds, who were serving jail terms ranging from 15 years to 41 years, are being driven back to Nairobi under tight security.

They were allegedly trying to flee the country to Somalia at the time of the arrest.

The three escaped from the highly guarded correctional facility at around 1am Monday after dislodging a brick on the wall of their cell.

Read: President Kenyatta Fires Prisons Boss After Terror Convicts Escaped From Kamiti

Police said the inmates used blankets, strings and broomsticks to create makeshift ropes that they used to scale two high walls around the prison.

The government had offered Ksh60 million reward for information leading to their arrest.

The arrest comes a day after President Uhuru Kenyatta sacked Wycliffe Ogallo, the Commissioner-General of the Kenya Prisons Service, over the security breach.

Read Also: Two Remandees Who Escaped from Kapsoya Police Station Arrested

The Head of State appointed and witnessed the swearing-in of Brigadier (Rtd) John Kibaso Warioba as Ogalo’s replacement.

The President directed Interior Cabinet Secretary Fred Matiang’i and all security formations to take all action necessary and pursue the Kamiti escapees with “all the available resources”.

The Head of State also urged all state investigative agencies to bring every person that is found culpable to full account.

Read Also: Matiang’i Blames Escape of Three Terror Convicts on Incompetence as Seven Kamiti Warders Arrested

The Head of Kamiti Prison Charles Mutembei and several wardens have been arraigned in court over the incident.

The suspects were arraigned at Kahawa Law Courts and are expected to be charged with aiding the escape of the inmates.

CS Matiang’i had indicated that the escape was a result of laxity and incompetence.

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