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Police Launch Hunt for Thugs who Stole Sh1.9 million from M-pesa Operator

Police are hunting for a gang of armed assailants who robbed a businessman on Friday. The robbers are said to have stolen Sh1.9 million from the man in Nairobi’s Upper hill area.

According to reports, the assailants intercepted the victim’s car along Upper hill road, next to the UAP old Mutual building. They then broke in and stole the cash before fleeing.

The businessman was left unharmed during the midmorning incident that was captured on CCTV.

Read: DCI Cautions Public over New Trend of Crime in the Car Hire Business

The man who requested anonymity, recounted the ordeal, saying he was on his way to the bank to deposit the money. He had just collected it from several Mpesa outlets that he operates within the city.

The man said the thugs pulled up in a vehicle, blocked him and accosted him. They broke the windows of his car and proceeded to steal the money.

DCI officers who arrived at the scene dusted the vehicle for fingerprints.

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