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TikTok to Start Sharing Ad-Revenue with Creators

TikTok is exploring newer ways to help creators earn money on the platform. The company has announced that it will start sharing a cut of its revenue with top creators when their videos run alongside ads on the app. The compensation scheme, dubbed TikTok Pulse, mimics YouTube’s way of paying creators.

Creators on TikTok have not had a clear means of making money on the platform, but the new plan could encourage more people to create more content. The revenue plan will however be limited to the top 4 percent of all videos on TikTok, and to creators with over 100,000 followers. This means top tier content creators with a huge following will benefit the most.

Read: TikTok’s Projected Income Expected to Surpass Combined Twitter, Snapchat Ad Revenue

According to TikTok’s GM of North America global business solutions Sandie Hawkins, the company will share 50 percent of the revenue with the approved creators. YouTube currently gives creators 55 percent of the ads revenues. TikTok pulse is set to launch in June starting in the US, and other markets later this year.

The video-sharing app is popular with a number of Kenyan users who have amassed a big following from creating interesting content on the platform.

Prior to this, TikTok has been paying creators through a creator fund which was launched in late 2020. Creators have however complained that the payouts from the program are small and inconsistent.

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