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Dutch Tycoon Tob Cohen’s Wife Sarah Detained At Muthaiga Police Station Over His Disappearance

The wife of Dutch tycoon Tob Cohen will be detained until Monday at Muthaiga Police Station.

Sarah Kamotho was arrested on Wednesday evening at her Kitisuru home over her husband’s disappearance between July 19 and 20.

Ms Kamotho was arraigned at a Kiambu Court where DCI officers sought 14 more days to further probe the issue.

According to a local daily, the ex chief executive of Dutch conglomerate Phillips East Africa left home on July 20 at around 2pm in a white car. He had a briefcase in his hands.

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A day before he went missing, a letter addressed to the Dutch Embassy in Nairobi and signed by his estranged wife indicated that he (Cohen) was battling depression and often picked fights with those around him.

“Tob has depression and mental condition he won’t address for personal reasons and this has (been) and is causing a lot of problems.

He has become impossible to live with, even though we try. The family has stepped aside due to the abusive and vindictive nature of his condition,” it stated.

Detectives are in possession of the said letter.

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Ms Kamotho had also told the avid golfer’s friends and police officers at Spring Valley Station that he had left for Thailand for medical care.

But according to detectives, evidence from the immigration department showing that the tycoon did not leave the country.

Four months ago, the Tobs Limited Company chief executive had written to the DPP and IGP accusing Kamotho of intimidation and harassment.

She allegedly denied him conjugal rights and sought to grab his multi-million estate.

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“The said Sarah Wairimu Kamotho has expressly been disrespectful to our client by being scornful and by use of emotional blackmail well demonstrated by the denial of our client’s conjugal rights,” the letter reads in part.

Days after filing for divorce, Cohen stated, his estranged wife stormed into his office and threw a glass of water at his face.

On a separate date, he continued, Kamotho pushed down a flight of stairs injuring him on the forehead.

He reported the matter to Parklands Police Station only to later find out that Kamotho had told police officers at Gigiri police station that he had assaulted her.

“That our client is astonished at the discriminatory manner in which the law is being applied to his disadvantage since no step has been taken by police officers at Parklands police station to prosecute Wairimu despite a preponderance of evidence demonstrating her guilt, yet the same law enforcers are keen on prosecuting our innocent client.”

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