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Tropical Storm IALY Wreaks Havoc in Kilifi

tropical storm ialy kilifi

Tropical Storm IALY has caused significant damage in various coastal regions of Kilifi County, bringing strong winds that have disrupted daily life and infrastructure.

In the Majajani area, the storm’s powerful winds blew off the roof of a residential house, leaving locals exposed to the elements. This incident underscores the severity of the storm and its potential to cause extensive property damage.

The electrical infrastructure in several areas has been severely impacted. In Malindi, specifically in Casuarina, Olimpia, and Madunguni, numerous electric posts have been knocked down, disrupting power supply and posing a risk of further accidents.

Similar damage has been reported in Garashi, Magarini, where fallen electric posts are causing potential hazards. The situation in Jilore Trading Centre is particularly dangerous, as two electric posts caught fire, likely due to the storm’s impact on power lines. Despite the considerable damage, there have been no reports of casualties, which is a relief for the residents and emergency services.

Authorities are urging residents to exercise extreme caution during this period. Residents are advised to remain inside their homes and avoid unnecessary travel.

Any loose objects outside should be secured or brought indoors to prevent them from becoming dangerous projectiles. It is crucial to stay away from fallen power lines and to report them to the authorities immediately.

Households should keep an emergency kit ready, including essentials such as water, food, a flashlight, batteries, and a first aid kit. Residents should stay informed by regularly checking local news and official advisories.

Residents are reminded to continue monitoring the situation and adhere to all guidelines provided by local officials.

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