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Tundu Lissu Says He Won’t Accept Election Results, Calls For Mass Action

Tanzania opposition chief Tundu Lissu has said that he will not recognize the outcome of the Wednesday, October 28, General Election.

In a press statement on Thursday, the Chadema presidential candidate said the election was marred by irregularities further accusing President John Pombe Magufuli of using the country’s electoral commission and the police to rig the poll.

“Whatever happened yesterday was not an election, and thus we do not recognise it. We do not accept the result,” Lissu told reporters in Dar es Salaam as he called for mass protests to challenge the fraud.

“This is not an election at all. We do not accept, and do not agree, with any results coming from this process.”

Read: Tundu Lissu’s Lawyers Ask Commonwealth, AU To Probe Tanzania’s Illegitimate Poll

Yesterday Lissu and other opposition leaders said that stuffed ballot boxes had been seized in Kawe amid reports that the Magufuli-led government had restricted internet access in the country.

The leaders claimed that agents for the opposition Chadema were denied entry into the polling stations over claims that they did not possess introductory letters from the returning officer.

“Voting reports indicate widespread irregularities in the form of preventing our polling agents from accessing polling stations. Stuffed ballot boxes seized in Kawe, Dar. If this continues, mass democratic action will be the only option to protect the integrity of the election, ” said Lissu.

Tanzania’s National Electoral Commission (NEC) has begun releasing results parliamentary election results, with the opposition losing key seats, including one long-held by Chadema national chairman and Hai MP Freeman Mbowe.

Lissu called on the Commonwealth and African Union (AU) nations not to recognize the results.

Lissu returned to Tanzania on July 27 to challenge Magufuli who has been accused of ruling Tanzania with an iron fist.

He had been living in Belgium after he survived an assassination attempt in September 2017.

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