Just eight days after relaunching its verification system, social media network Twitter has paused the process. The company says it has received such high volumes of applications that it has decided to pause the process altogether.
“We’re rolling in verification requests,” Twitter said in a tweet.
“So we gotta hit pause on accepting any more for now while we review the ones that have been submitted. We’ll reopen requests soon! (we pinky swear)”
Read: Here’s How to Apply for Twitter Verification Using New Guidelines
Twitter had cautioned its users, saying they might take a while before responding to the applications.
“Once you submit your application, you can expect an emailed response from us within a few days, but this could take up to a few weeks depending on how many open applications are in our queue,” Twitter said in a blog.
This latest announcement indicates that the volume of applications has already become so large that the platform has made the choice to pause applications entirely.
Twitter’s new verification process allows anyone to apply for the blue badge as long as they tick all requirements. The company had paused the process in 2017 and only just relaunched it in January this year after attaching new guidelines.
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