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Two Opinion Polls by The Star and IPSOS Put Uhuru Ahead of Raila


Uhuru Kenyatta and Raila Odinga

Two opinion polls by The Star and IPSOS A survey released by Infotrak Research and Consulting gives none of the leading contenders for the presidency a clear lead.

According to the poll by IPSOS, Raila is at 44per cent while Uhuru is at 47 per cent giving the President a comfortable margin in the race.

The Star poll gives Raila 46% and Uhuru 47 per cent edge on the race.

IPSOS conducted its poll between July 22 and 30 while The Star poll was conducted between July 25 and 31. The sample size of IPSOS poll is 4,308 while that of The Star is 4,508.

The margin of error on the IPSOS poll is plus or minus 1.5 while that of The Star is plus or minus 1.28.

Another poll by Infotrak Research gave Raila a lead at 49 per cent with Uhuru trailing at 48 per cent.

The two candidates have intensified their campaigns across the country. The elections are in exactly one week, August 8.

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