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Uhuru Chairs First Azimio Council Meeting at KICC To Craft Coalition’s Lineup [Photos]

President Uhuru Kenyatta on Thursday morning chaired Azimio La Umoja One Kenya coalition party’s inaugural Council meeting at the Kenyatta International Convention Centre (KICC) in Nairobi.

The meeting is meant to iron out issues surrounding selection of the coalition’s presidential running mate as well as the alliance’s Nairobi lineup.

The council is made up of 12 members. Apart from the Head of State and the coalition’s presidential candidate Raila Odinga, other members of the council include Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka, Kanu’s Gideon Moi, Mombasa Governor Hassan Joho, Murang’a Woman Representative Sabina Chege, Taveta MP Naomi Shaban, Narc Kenya leader Martha Karua, and Narc leader and Kitui Governor Charity Ngilu.

Others are Democratic Action Party of Kenya (DAP-K) leader and Kanduyi MP Wafula Wamunyinyi, Abdi Noor Omar Farah and Suna East MP Junet Mohamed.

Also Read:  Polycarp Igathe, Tim Wanyonyi Confirmed as Azimio Candidates for Nairobi Gubernatorial Race

In photos seen by this writer, most of the members arrived at KICC as early as 8am.

Musyoka is one of the leaders eyeing the running mate position. The former Vice President insists that he should be Odinga’s running mate for the third time, having supported the Orange party chief’s presidential bid in 2013 and 2017.

But a section of women leaders in Azimio wants Karua to deputise the former premier saying the iron lady has what it takes to be Kenya’s second deputy president.

There are speculations that Odinga is keen to pick a running mate from Mt Kenya. Some of the politicians seen as Odinga’s potential running mates from the region include the Narc Kenya boss, former Gatanga MP Peter Kenneth and Nakuru Governor Lee Kinyanjui.

Also Read: Details of Raphael Tuju’s New Role in Raila’s Azimio Coalition

On the Nairobi lineup, the Azimio coalition is said to have settled on Jubilee’s Polycarp Igathe as its gubernatorial candidate.

There are issues on who should deputise Igathe with Odinga’s ODM party fronting Westlands MP Timothy Wanyonyi while Musyoka wants Wiper’s Phillip Kaloki to deputise the renowned corporate executive.

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