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Uhuru Calls For Speedy Restoration Of Peace In Mali As African Leaders Demand Release Of Ousted President Keita

President Uhuru Kenyatta is among African leaders, who have condemned the Tuesday military coup in Mali.

Led by the African Union Chairperson Cyril Ramaphosa, the leaders have called for the immediate release of President Ibrahim Boubacar Keita and senior members of his administration among them the country’s Prime Minister Boubou Cissé, who were seized by mutinying soldiers during the takeover.

Speaking on Thursday during a virtual meeting of the African Union Bureau, President Uhuru Kenyatta urged for a “speedy, peaceful and democratic” resolution of the crisis, State House said in a statement.

President Ramaphosa called for dialogue to restore peace and stability in the West African country.

President Felix Tshisekedi of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) who also spoke during the virtual session rallied African countries to take a firm position on the matter saying the coup was “dangerous for democracy in Africa”.

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The meeting had been convened to discuss the continental response to the Covid-19 pandemic.

The Mali coup drew international condemnation from the European Union and the United States of America.

Military officers who overthrew the government have, however, pledged to restore stability and oversee a transition to elections within a “reasonable” period.

President Keita resigned and dissolved parliament late on Tuesday, hours after the coup leaders detained him at gunpoint.

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Keita said he had resigned to avoid bloodshed.

He has been the target of months of protests over economic stagnation, corruption and a brutal Islamist insurgency in Mali.

According to Colonel-Major Ismael Wague, a spokesman for the coup makers calling themselves the National Committee for the Salvation of the People, said they acted to prevent Mali from falling further into chaos.

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