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Understanding the Ripple Effect Caused by the Creation of Cryptocurrencies

When crypto started gaining traction, no one could have known exactly how much it would impact the world around us. Nowadays, it has affected or even fully disrupted several industries and fields. This brings us to the ripple effect caused by the creation of cryptocurrencies, which we’ll explore below.

Online Casinos and Crypto

The online casino sector is already considered tech-driven, considering it is a digital alternative to brick-and-mortar locales. However, instead of sticking to the status quo, the industry has kept up with the latest advancements, from adding live games to providing new twists to classic slots. The latest innovation is the addition of cryptocurrencies as a payment method.

This has led to the birth of a new era of online casinos, also known as crypto casinos or Bitcoin casinos. Of course, just because they may be addressed as the latter doesn’t mean that they only accept Bitcoin. Some other cryptocurrencies that are accepted are Ethereum, Litecoin, USD Tether, and Bitcoin SV amongst others.

Here, you’ll find features such as a 1000x crypto calculator, while being able to enjoy all of the same games as if you paid with a traditional payment method. Some of the options you can find are dozens of new, themed slots that range from classic to fantasy to sci-fi. All of these are simple to play, however, they also tend to have different features such as free spins, bonus rounds, and more.

Another subsection of games you’ll find are live game shows with bonus rounds. These are a combination of classic games like roulette and blackjack, with an additional twist of them being live-streamed. Alternatively, you could go for an instant crash-style game.

But, how did crypto affect online casinos? Well, the main way is the fact that it has increased its popularity by broadening the potential client base. This is because not everyone can use traditional banking or may not want to use it due to its restrictive nature.

Moreover, crypto transactions are both faster and cheaper – this makes it an even more attractive option for any current and potential international users. This is a benefit that pertains not only to its users but also to the casino itself. This has allowed them to offer more generous bonuses for users who pay via crypto.

Addressing the Disruption of the Financial Sector

Fiat currencies have existed since around 1000 AD, originating in China. And while the way we use them and how we store them has changed, the premise has always remained the same. However, as technology evolved at break-neck speed, it was only a matter of time before something would have disrupted currencies as we know it and in turn, disrupt the financial sector.

Here comes crypto, starting with Bitcoin back in 2009, but growing to a much longer list of cryptos – each with their pros and cons. And the finance sector has most definitely felt the change in the air once crypto started gaining more recognition. The way crypto has influenced the field is highly inspirational.

As we briefly mentioned above, crypto transactions are relatively cheaper and faster. Moreover, it is much harder to hack or tamper with thanks to the way every transaction is encrypted and stored on a public ledger. This is thanks to their decentralized nature, which means that there is no banking or government authority involved.

This is revolutionary, as previously every payment we made was controlled and viewed by a third party. Now, without this factor, it has been much simpler for people to make payments, especially international ones. We can even take a look at cryptocurrencies like Ripple which are paving the way to work as a replacement for SWIFT.

This has forced banks and financial organizations to rethink their current limiting stances, forcing them to adapt or risk being left behind the dust of an innovative digital currency that has empowered more people than they have. This is why we can see more and more banks becoming more digital, even going as far as allowing people to invest directly in crypto through them.

The Impact on the Art Field

One field that you might be surprised to see on this list is the world of art. However, the creation of cryptocurrencies has led to the birth of NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens). These are blockchain-based products that represent a unique asset.

If you have heard of them before, you’ll probably be familiar with the digital art sold on various marketplaces. However, they can come in many other forms such as music or video, or any digital art medium.

As such, whatever NFT you purchase or create will be completely yours and it can’t be replicated, unlike regular digital art which can be easily stolen or copied. It allows a level of control on digital art that hasn’t been seen before, whilst cutting out the middleman, just like it does with all of our previous examples.


When the first cryptocurrency came out, only true visionaries could have imagined the incredible impact it would have on our lives. With people learning more about these digital assets, their understanding of what money is, and how they can interact and control it will continue changing. Ultimately, we can imagine that as their popularity continues rising, so will their impact on the aforementioned fields and beyond.

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