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University Student Who Lost Tuition Through Betting Resurfaces

A student from Kyambogo University in Uganda who disappeared after losing his tuition fees to sports betting has resurfaced.

According to police, Julius Osuta was found at Arua Park, in the capital Kampala since he was reported missing from 7 April 2022.

He was handed over to his parents, according to Daily Monitor.

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Like Kenya, many Ugandan youths hooked to sports betting with devastating effects.

In 2019, Uganda’s finance minister David Bahati announced a government ban on sports betting, gaming and gambling.

“We have received a directive from President [Yoweri] Museveni to stop licensing sports betting, gaming and gambling companies. The president has now directed the board which has been regulating them,” Mr Bahati is quoted to have said.

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He cited the negative impact of betting on the youth as the main motive behind the presidential directive. “From now onwards, no new companies are going to be licensed. Those which are already registered, no renewal of licences when they expire,” he added.

In Kenya, the government has strived to reign in on rampant online betting by increasing taxes on stakes and takings.

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