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Uproar in Tanzania after the Attempted Assasination of Magufuli Critic, Tundu Lissu

Tundu Lissu

The attempted assassination of a top critic of Magufuli’s government in Tanzania is drawing in criticism with top pundits linking the attempt on the life of Tundu Lissu to his constant criticism of President John Magufuli.

Lissu was shot and seriously wounded in Dodoma around his area of residence, Area D.

According to key Chadema politicians, Tundu Lissu was shot in the abdomen, leg and arm. He is currently in a stable condition and reportedly being airlifted to Nairobi for specialised treatment.

READ ALSO: Tanzanian Politician Charged For Abusing President Magufuli

Apart from the a an MP representing Singida constituency, Tundu Lissu is also the President of Tanganyika Law Society.

Former CEO of Law Society of Kenya, Apollo Mboya has called on global lawyers to add their voice of dissent to the events which have unfolded today in Dodoma.

Kigoma North MP and ACT Wazalendo party leader, Zitto Kabwe also added his voice;

President Magufuli has also acted surprised despite being the custodian of the highest level of intelligence in the country.

Tundu Lissu has been a thorn in the flesh of Magufuli whom he has criticised as a dictator and a man who doesn’t allow free expression. He has been arrested several times for questioning the acts of state officers as well as incidences of corruption where senior government officials feature in prominently.

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