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Governor Waititu Shifts Blame Of Bizarre County Budget To Kabogo


Kiambu Governor Ferdinand Waititu. /Courtesy

Kiambu Governor Ferdinand Waititu has now shifted blame of the outrageous county budget to his predecessor, William Kabogo.

Speaking during an interview on KTN, Waititu mentioned that the documents presented to the Members of the Senate on Thursday were from the time when Kabogo was Governor and therefore he should be queried on the same.

He asserted: “We were elected in August 2017. We started using this budget in November 2017.

“It is not us who did this budget,” he affirmed,”it was for the previous government by governor Kabogo.”
However, Kabogo was quick to dismiss the claims by Waititu terming them as “lies.”

Responding through social media, the former county boss stated: “He lies without shame. Now you know who was in school and who was not.

“Our appropriation/finance Act 2017/2018 is a public document available at the Government printers,” Kabogo mentioned.

In the documents presented to the Senate’s Public Accounts and Investments committee, Kiambu county had allocated over Ksh1 billion to State House functions, benefits to retired president, Free Primary education and South Sudan peace program, yet clearly those functions are under the national government.

In his defense, Waititu mentioned that he was equally shocked by the details in the documents and stated that the person who made the budget must have relied on a budget used by the State House.

Read: Fictitious Budget Allocations By Kiambu County That Baffled Senators

However, in a rejoinder, State House Chief of Staff Nzioka Waita asserted that the State House didn’t share it’s budget with the County Government of Kiambu.

Waita tweeted: “Just for the record State House does not share any budgets with the County Government of Kiambu.”

Governor Waititu is expected to appear before the committee in the future to explain the reports since he failed to do so on Thursday as he appeared unprepared according to the committee’s chair Moses Kajwang’.

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