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Wanjigi Blames Uhuru, Raila After Night Raid At Kwacha Offices

Businessman Jimi Wanjigi has broken his silence after a raid by police officers at his Kwacha offices in Westlands, Nairobi, on Monday night.

Wanjigi is reportedly in trouble over alleged fraud in a Sh1.2 billion piece of land in Nairobi.

But in a phone interview with Citizen Digital, Wanjigi claimed the raid was politically orchestrated due to his political stance.

He blamed President Uhuru Kenyatta and ODM leader Raila Odinga for the incident.

The presidential hopeful linked the attack to remarks he made over the weekend where he accused Odinga of dishonesty.

“I tend to believe that it has a lot to do with what I said over the weekend and maybe they have some information of the kind of campaign I intend to launch. But this weekend I was very clear about various personalities and it seems to be making some of my friends very uncomfortable,” he said.

He went on to accuse President Kenyatta of violating the Constitution to silence political opponents.

“Why are they so uncomfortable with my candidature? Why…? he posed.

Read: Presidential Aspirant Jimmy Wanjigi Receives Hostile Welcome in Homa Bay

“Let them just come out and say it. Uhuru Kenyatta just come out and say it. And to imagine that my friend Raila… Raila Amolo Odinga whom I was almost killed for, is sitting with him (Uhuru) somewhere probably enjoying this spectacle is the saddest thing of all,” said Wanjigi.

Wanjigi declared his presidential candidature last year.

He is among ODM members eyeing the ODM presidential ticket.

Wanjigi insists that Odinga, who has unsuccessfully vied for the presidency four times, should support another candidate in the 2022 polls.

Read Also: Wanjigi To Undergo Integrity Test Before Contesting For ODM’s Presidential Ticket

The police officers are said to have raided the offices at around 9:30pm Monday.

The officers, Wanjigi said, declined to talk to his lawyers and instead ordered that he accompanies them to record a statement without disclosing what the matter was about.

“This evening at around 9.30 we were told that CID are at the gate. They were asked what they want and they said they just want me. They were asked whether they can see a lawyer and they said no,” said Wanjigi.

Read Also: Petition Filed to Disqualify Wanjigi from Vying for Presidency on ODM Ticket

He added: “They got in, opened the gate and surrounded the compound. They were disguised from head to toe and were carrying assault rifles. They were telling two of my lawyers who had arrived that they want me to go to CID to write a statement. We don’t know a statement for what.”

The tycoon, who funded Odinga’s presidential campaigns in 2017, is expected to address the press this morning.

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