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COVID-19: Wazito FC Support Seven Children Homes With Various Donations (Photos)

Kenyan Premier League moneybags Wazito FC joined fight against Coronavirus pandemic by donating assorted items to seven children’s homes in Nairobi.

The donations through Wazito FC Project included foodstuffs, sanitization products, and equipment among other things.

Both playing and none-playing club staff were part of the team that visited the seven children’s homes in Mathare, Embakasi, Lang’ata, Ruiru, Kangemi, Valley Road, and Kasarani during these times.

According to the club, the children were shown how to wash their hands properly as a way of protecting themselves from the deadly virus, they also received pep talks from our players and staff.

“As a club, we decided to stand with one of the vulnerable groups in society. During such times, children in orphanages and children’s homes tend to be forgotten and after consultations, we made a decision to help make the situation better for them during this period by donating foodstuffs and other sanitization products, equipment among other things,” club CEO Dennis Gicheru says.

Gicheru further added that the club has a social responsibility to the community and urged other people to stand with the vulnerable and the less fortunate in the community during this difficult period.

“We have a corporate social responsibility that goes beyond playing football in the stadia. We want to impact lives and make society a better place to live in, we will definitely do more to impact lives for our people. I urge other Well-wishers to show empathy to the needy during this difficult period, be a brother’s keeper,” he added.

He had also had a message for all citizens.

“I urge everyone to exercise discipline, sanitize keep a social distance. They should not endanger their lives in any way, together we shall defeat Coronavirus,” the CEO concluded.

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