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COVID-19: Good News As Wazito Players To Keep Enjoying Full Salaries

Wazito FC boss Ricardo Badoer has announced that his staff will continue to enjoy full salary despite COVID-19 pandemic which has affected many businesses.

At a time when businesses are closing, some stuff being sent home on unpaid leave, clubs slicing salaries of players by up to 30% and other austerity measures being implemented, Wazito players and staff will still keep their full pay.

Badoer explained that it would be unfair to stop paying those working for him in Kenya or elsewhere because of the COVID-19 pandemic which has almost brought the world to a stop as they have dependents.

“My thinking is that when you have people working for you, you cannot decide not to pay them because there is a virus in the world, it would be very unfair for me to pull such a move. They have families, they need to put food on the table and as such, I have to consider their welfare too,” he stated.

“My company is an international company, we have a huge number of people working for us and in Kenya alone, we have employed around 65 people. If I decide not to pay them because of the virus, their families will suffer because they cannot do any other job right now. I am showing solidarity and responsibility by paying them all their dues during this difficult period,” he added.

He hopeful that when the cloud clears, his happy employees will repay his kind gesture by working even harder.

“I always have money put aside that can run my business and pay my people during bad times. When you survive bad times, you come back stronger because the staff will be willing to give their best because they are part of a well-run business,” he concluded.

Wazito players are some of the best renumerated in the Kenyan Premier League.

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