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We Never Take Sides, President Museveni Speaks on Kenya’s August 9 Polls

Uganda’s President Yoweri Museveni has said he has no favorites in Kenya’s upcoming August 9, 2022 polls.

According to Museveni, election matters are very sensitive and should always remain between the people and their country. Hence, speaking in an interview with Uganda’s New Vision Newspaper, the Head of State said he would not endorse any candidate.

“Elections in Kenya or any other African country are a matter for the people of that country…We never take sides in the internal affairs of other countries. So, we have no side in the Kenya elections,” Museveni told the publication.

President Museveni and DP William Ruto enjoy a very cordial relationship and are said to be bosom friends.

Read: How President Uhuru Convinced Uganda’s Museveni to Accept the Possibility of a Raila Presidency

For instance, on several occasions, Museveni has hosted Deputy President William Ruto at the State House and even invited him for special state functions.

In an instance last year, Museveni was forced to respond after his party National Resistance Movement (NRM) was linked to DP Ruto’s United Democratic Alliance (UDA).

Suna East MP Junet Mohamed led a Parliamentary Group that accused Ruto of borrowing from the Ugandan party that has been in power for over three decades hence a threat to democracy.

“While we don’t wish to interfere with the internal political arrangements in other countries, we want to state categorically that we don’t need to borrow from other Country’s political habits whose end results can only lead to chaos and backwardness for our Country,” said Junet.

Read Also: President Museveni’s NRM Party Hits Back at Junet Over Utterances on DP Ruto Links

Responding to the same, Museveni termed Junet’s remarks as disrespectful and a misunderstanding.

“Honourable Junet, please crosscheck your records so that next time you are better informed as a Legislator. Your unfortunate utterances were indeed an indication of a possible deep-rooted internal political misunderstandings within your country,” read the NRM statement in part.

Important to note, however, is that President Uhuru Kenyatta has managed to convince Museveni that Raila Odinga is a good person and would not interfere in Uganda’s internal affairs when elected President in Kenya.

According to sources close to State House and Uganda’s leadership, Museveni who has been so resistant to the possibility of a Luo or related ethnic group taking leadership in the region has now thawed to the idea and accepted that possibility.

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